
About Hemsco

HEMSCO (S) PTE LTD was incorporated in Singapore on 1st March 1993. Over 22 years in the business of making and we still keep going. In the last two decades, HEMSCO encountered waves after waves of adversity and uncertainty while searching for new ways and directions to overcome crises and challenges to move forward.

With business globalization due to the advancement in communication and information technology, the world has opened up to more new opportunities and new threats. Change in business strategies to meet the changing economy is inevitable if HEMSCO does not want to remain vulnerable to threats but remain relevant to market demands.

Our Vision

“To Be Versatile And Dynamic, Know Where We Are Going Next And Customer Must Know Where We Are Coming”

To become a leading preferred company , that is versatile and dynamic, we must continue to see where to go next and wherever we go, we must let our customers know that we are coming to provide them solutions, good products and services.

Our Mission

“We compete, Our Customer Benefit & Business Will Repeat”

We must stay competitive and provide solutions, good products and services to our customers. We believe in letting our customers benefit from our competitiveness and the business will repeat.

Our Goal

“Is To Win. No Pain No Gain. No Win No Champion. Just Audiences Clapping Hands.”

Our goal is to win whether in winning sales orders, awards, accomplish a task or satisfy a customer with services, we must put in our extra time & effort to win. Then the reward will come as recognition for achieving our goals. No Pain, No Gain. No Win, No Champion. Just Audiences Clapping Hands.

Our Objectives

“It Takes Time & Effort To Achieve Objectives But Change To Create A Life Time Achievement.”

We set objectives to achieve but it takes time & effort to accomplish. Along the way, we must change to stay relevant with time and make further effort to change to achieve our life long objectives.