
Micro Cleaner

Introduction: Micro cleaner is the new idea of Sink Head and it has an excellent washing power and water saving effect.

It is very effective for washing vegetables and dishes because of 0.2mm micro holes that will produces much ion and changeable button for water current.

Benefits of Micro Cleaner:
• Water saving effect of 60-65%
• Produce much Ion
• Fresh flow of Water
• Easy to change the current of water by using button type
• Effective to wash vegetables and dishes with 0.2mm micro holes
• No Splashing
• Easy Installation
• Permanent use of composite ceramic balls
• Attachment of Nonwoven filter (replaceable)
• Advanced filter for floating matters in the water

Product Specification:

Micro Cleaner gives off the Ion. It keeps the vegetables fresh and helps washing dishes more clean with fine and strong water current.
• Simple and Practical Design
• Easy Installation
• Water Saving Effect of 60- 65%
• Handy connection to Hose of the Sink
• Clean Washing with 0.2mm Micro Holes Handy connection to Hose of the Sink
• Clean Washing with 0.2mm Micro Holes
• Permanent Use of Composite Ceramic Balls
• Effectively wash food and dishes with strong water current
• Produce much of Ion
• Button type switch for changing the current of water

For further enquiries and consultation, contact hemsco@singnet.com.sg.