
Degreaser Generator

The HEMSCO Degreaser Generator is uniquely designed to help industries ease their needs for degreasing any type of grease in large volume. The HEMSCO Degreaser uses its functionality to clear grease once the water Degreaser solution have been sprayed onto the grease affected area. The Degreaser solution then separates the grease from its material instantly once being applied within the affected area. Cost saving is the key principle for the Degreaser Generator when comparing the water degreasing solution to the actual degreaser in the olden days. One of the key factors is how HEMSCO Degreaser Generator helps its industrial users to save cost. The water degreaser solution is cheap whenever using the Degreaser Generator solution, it could be applied in larger scale for accomplishing a degreasing task at a shorter time. Removing grease have never been so easy when the HEMSCO Industrial Division seeks ways to help its industrial users to implement key solutions in their operational cost efficiency.

For further enquiries and consultation, contact hemsco@singnet.com.sg.