
Multimedia Services

HEMSCO is also specialized in Multimedia Advertisements in providing strong and distinctive messages to its targeted consumers and a range of concepts to fit the advertisers’ choice of advertisement. Through this multimedia productions, HEMSCO includes different ways to feature it’s advertisement through Multimedia presentation of products, Product Video Demonstration, Video Interactive Tutorial as well as TV commercials.

Image and videos have been a better source of competition between markets that wants to draw the attention of consumers to their products through a more efficient method. With the video advertisement being created, a company is able to publicize their product needs in a more constructive manner to help consumers or viewers have a better understanding of their product or illustration through presenting it. To draw the key attention of one product which stands distinctively throughout is the key challenge that HEMSCO wants to achieve for its consumers or business partners. Backed with IT engineers and Artist Director, HEMSCO is able to offer more varieties for its business consumers to choose based on their products.

Focusing on the importance of the presenter relationship with the target consumers is the key strategy that HEMSCO wish to offer. To increase your consumer gains and awareness, illustrations, multimedia leading character roles all ensure strong messages have an effect on your targeted consumers. This includes the use of special text, video animations and proper planning from our Art Directors to make each advertisement cohesive in its presentation.

We use our multimedia productions to suit your specific needs, be it for product training, brand awareness, TV advertisements etc. HEMSCO has the ability to create a better concept for your product through its animations and graphical details that your advertisement needs. We offer services to manage your multimedia needs in introduction, theme setup and voice recognition.

Our multimedia services are listed below:
• Interactive Multimedia Presentations
• Designed animated character to illustrate brand advertisement
• Product Introduction

For further enquiries and consultation, contact