
Acoustic Division

Acoustic treatment to reduce noise and vibration from equipment or machine in a confined space is a specialized job. Noise is not something which you can see or feel but you can hear the difference before and after it is done. The confidence to carry out a successful treatment requires careful measurement, analysis, planning and execution. Most importantly, it is a specialized trade that requires passion, interest and hands-on experience to deliver satisfactory result.

HEMSCO through years of experience and successful job references has the technical know-how and acoustic materials to undertake many acoustic projects in noise absorption, transmission, reduction and vibration in recording studio, auditorium, building, factory, machine enclosure, on board ship, etc.

For further enquiries and consultation, contact

Noise Absorption Acoustic Material

Noise Absorption

Noise Reduction Industrial Silencer

Noise Reduction

Noise Transmission Acoustic Theatre

Noise Transmission